Real buddy's real story - 12 (Georgie)
I started listing my dreams. The list goes long and long But I found one dream, every time, It made me not sleep. I never went back but It always paused me and dreams are something that makes people ordinary into extraordinary. Here I come up with the most beautiful story of my buddy on the most beautiful thing...
Writer of yourforums platform
When you have a dream that you can’t let go of. Trust your instincts and pursue it But remember, Real dreams take work, they take patience and sometimes they require you to dig down very deep. Be sure you are willing to do that. Dreams are extremely important. You can’t do it unless you imagine it.
Come on
Real buddy's real story with you
Tweelth Real Buddy is
Mr. Georgie
Proud to have you Georgie
Life is not gonna present you great thing. It always put you in question of what next?? So. Before going ahead, Lemme introduce my buddy who gonna make sense of dreaming and how to manifest in its own way.
Mr. Georgie
From - Peru (Latino)
Knock knock...
Now, You are gonna read my story... Just not story of mine but absolutely story of your childhood dream.
I am always looking after the box, Box of stereotypes. Box of being in the zone.
I just wanted to highlight one thing mainly regarding India is I just love India like the way it is.
When I was 6 years old. I have seen one Indian picture and that day I felt the relation with India. India is clearly a land of knowledge and sanity as far as...
I always think to explore other corners of the world Even though I have been working as an admin in transportation In Peru for 5 years with the same big dream of exploring the world.
Lemme tell you something, don't allow anything to change your dream. If you really dreamt of something. I am pretty sure that, It makes its own way and that's what happened in my life..
You don't believe that, so I decided to quit my Job. It was the hardest decision I have ever made but sometimes, we all need to make some hard decisions. I quit my job to run behind my dream. I was sitting with my family, I was telling my mom and dad... I wanted to go out of the country but there were mixed reactions from them but I always think that, nothing is longer lasting than myself.
When I finally decided that I was the only one that could make a difference in my life, things started to change. For as long as I can remember I had the desire to live an amazing life, to travel the world, meet inspiring people, learn something new every day and share it with as many people as I could. I have to pinch myself when I think I am living that future now. You can turn all your dreams into reality if you are brave enough to believe in them.
After quitting my job. I never had option B than shifting to another country. I made a choice more living in my shoes than just surviving in the way.
Yess. That's one fine day, I had tickets in my hand. Those tickets were too heavy with the emotions.
It was midnight at 1:30 pm. I was in the car with my family, my bag was heavy With the tears. I didn't have anything to tell them. I had only one thing to give them is a warm hug... Those people have been with me since my childhood... They seen my ups and downs, they motivated me like anything to stand in my own grounds. Yes. They are standing in front of me.
Flight was waiting for me. It wasn't raining that day but my mind was clouded. I was just taking the last picture in my own land. Yesss... I was waving my hands to them and the flight jumped to the sky... And I was praying that, let my land always be in peace and wealth...
The only limit is sky. I felt I wasn't flying in clouds but iam flying over the dream wings. I was flying with the wings...
Flight landed in new Zealand...
New people, new accents and everything is new... Ofc I am always a newbie...
I always think that, quitting my job never defined me. It was good job but what's good is living in my own shoes...
The world is facing the biggest problem that is not living in their own shoes...
Why social platforms are lying to you.
Do you know why??
It just makes you not live in your shoes..
What's the living in shoes??
It's the only thing that makes you grow and satisfying your own life.
I quit my job, I wake up every morning to do what I love. I know that it’s possible to make your dreams come true.
His life message is
"The more we grow up, the more we underestimate the power of dreaming. Instead, we keep going through the rat race, just trying to survive another day.
I want you to stop.
And think...
What does it mean to you to live the life of your dreams?
What would you do if you knew your dreams would come true? If there was no risk of failure? Free up your mind and think about all the infinite possibilities life gives us. Don’t limit yourself while you are dreaming. I thought they were impossible. But you know what? Nothing is impossible.
Don’t constrain yourself by what you think or what other people think.
Don’t be scared! Don’t listen to people that tell you you can’t do it. And don’t listen to the voice in your head that tells you your dreams are impossible to achieve. Don’t let fear stopping you. Put aside all the doubts you have, and begin dreaming".
I wish you all the best Georgie for your great future...
Stay tune
Next real buddy's real story with another wonderful person
With your love
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